Registration is now open for 2024-2025 Season

Brochure (PDF)

PARENT & TOT: 4:00 - 4:30 PM  
18 Months - 3 Years No experience required. 
A parent/guardian joins the tot on the mat to encourage and redirect as need. Participants learn body shapes, how to safely roll and swing. We will participate in activities and improve strength, balance, and coordination.  

TUMBLING TIGERS: 4:30 - 5:00 PM  
3-5 Years No experience required. 
Participants learn their body shapes and gain strength both mentally and physically to be able to master skills! Tigers have fun in a structured class that is geared specifically to this age and ability. Current class size max is 6. Later in the year this may increase as more instructors become available. We are always amazed at how much is learned by our Tumbling Tigers.

Level 1: 5:00- 5:45 PM  
5-12 Years No experience required. 
Participants use a variety of mats, beam, and kip bar along with teaching the body shapes (tuck, straddle, hollow body, etc.) to have fun and gain skills quickly!

Level 2: 5:45 - 6:30 PM 
5-14 Years MUST be able to show mastery of cartwheel.  
Participants use variety of mats, low beam, and kip bar to build the strength and knowledge to master the roundoff, back walk over, pull over, and more!

Level 3: 6:30 - 7:15 PM 
8-14 Years MUST be able to show mastery of roundoff. 
Participants will work on standing back handsprings, round off back handsprings, front handsprings, and side aerials in addition to walkovers. We will also use the balance beam, kip bar, springboard, and vault. 

Tumbling: 7:15 - 8:00 PM 
Participants utilize a variety of mats and skill progressions to learn back
handsprings, front flips, back flips, and much more. High school athletes will
learn to safely push themselves forward from their current skill level, with a
primary focus on tumbling skills. (Cheer shoes may be worn if desired. No
outdoor shoes allowed.)

For questions call or text Coach Barb 315.771.8729

Ages: 18 Months - 18 Years 
Start Date: September 4 , 2024 
End Date: June 18, 2025 
Location: Carthage Gym

Required Equipment: 
Athletic clothing or leotard 
Water bottle 
No shoes or socks 
Long hair should be pulled back